1) Creating a safe environment is
essential: from my experience as a
student and the theoretical framework that I have received at the teaching
training college I can state that if the student feels intimidated by the teacher
or is corrected all the time when speaking he will not participate and this
will hinder learning.
2) Experience and background knowledge are part of our
student: they do not enter the classroom with their minds empty. We as teachers
have to profit from this prior knowledge to create an atmosphere in which
learners can share what they know with the others. Consequently, this can be a
very fruitful experience which changes the traditional, teacher-led model of
3) Teachers have multiple roles: we should not consider ourselves as being the providers only, because in this way we
will not consider that our students are autonomous and that they have knowledge
to share with us. On the contrary, we should think of ourselves as having
different roles depending on the moment of the class. We can assume the role of
motivator, monitor, guide, instructor and a chair-person. If we constantly shift roles, we will give our
students the opportunity to learn in different ways and to be independent.
I can affirm that every teacher has his or her
own philosophy. These is my own and I hope that throughout the years it will
evolve to help me become a better teacher!