lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Reflection of my 2015

It has been a year of positive changes as regards my work. I have worked four consecutive years with Patsy and this 2015 I had two different co-workers! So I believe my strenghts of the year have been the posibility to adapt to these changes and continue with the hard work.
I strongly believe that making "good plans" doesn't mean starting over every year from scratch or eliminating everything. Although we always updated and modified plans/activities/projects with Patsy I feel this year we changed and included many new things for example lots of videos for Project ,all the Final Tasks of the projects were new (kids made digital productions) and the project on National Parks that popped up thanks to the hangout connection.
As regards my weaknesses, I think that I could mention the fact that we didn´t finish the last two books for the Home Reading Programme so my goal for next year concerning this issue is to be more consistent until the end.

Other goals:

  • Include more videos to the different projects and to the Phonology Routine (I hope we all have a projector in our classrooms in 2016)
  • Create a new project on The Olympics to work on Geography (Brazil), Vocabulary on Sports, History (Ancient Olympics)
  • Add more Listening  and Grammar practice in the Booklet 
  • Create more instances of self-assessment and reflections in the class.

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2015

¡Empezando mi 1er MOOC!

Soy Ana Lucía, de Bs As, Argentina. Empecé este curso motivada por un par de compañeras de trabajo y porque me interesó la temática que propone. Espero poder aprender muchas herramientas en este MOOC de Narración Digital para poder aplicarlas en mi tarea como docente de Inglés ya que en la institución donde trabajo nuestro método para planificar esta basado principalmente en literatura y creo que esta propuesta puede enriquecer mucho mi modo de enseñar.

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Seeing old things with fresh eyes

Well, the time came to start working with a new "sister-teacher". I have been teaching the same age group and working with the same person  for four lovely years. I had always wondered what it would be like to change coworker or to be"the expert" of the level. We had worked so well with Patsy, always on the same wavelength, always so comforted by her experience, advice and care that I had mixed feelings when finishing the year.
The truth is that we are working perfectly with Sabri, she has found very interesting videos, material and webpages to complement and update the "Lands"of  the "Voyage" that is 4th form.  She has also done a lot to create all the Drive folders and I feel really comfortable with presenting our work like this (until last year we had always presented the plans in the copybook), it is very tidy, organized and clear.
In conclusion, my impression is that it is great to see the things we´ve been doing up to now in this level with fresh eyes. I also think that changing the frame of the unit planner supported by the 21st Century Skills theory has been important too since it gives a lot of professionalism and background to our work as educators.