martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

A teacher's survival kit

I'm feeling optimistic about this new year! I would like to share with you something I received when I finished the Prof. Have a nice beginning and let's reflect a lot!!

A teacher's survival kit

Reminds us to look for good qualities in our students. You may be the only teacher who says something positive to them that day.

Reminds us that we have to be flexible. Things don’t always go the way we plan. But flexibility will help to work it out.

Reminds us to be thankful and to list our blessings daily. We should also encourage our students to list their blessings and be proud of their accomplishments.

Reminds us to allow students to know that we are human and that we make mistakes just like they do, and that it’s okay. We must all be able to learn from our mistakes.

Reminds us to stick with it and encourage our students to do likewise. Even the impossible task or assignment can be accomplished by sticking with it.

Reminds us and our students that we are worth a mint. (We may not be a paid a mint, but we are worth one!)

Reminds us that everyone needs a hug, kiss or warm fuzzy everyday. All teachers, students and even a

Reminds us that we need time to relax and take time for others. Family, husbands, wives, friends, children need quality time together

Author Unknown

2 comentarios:

  1. Annie, lovely kit! ha ha
    I like the toothpick and the tea bag too!!
    They mean hard work but also relaxing!
    Rubber band is just what we need in this profession.
    As I wrote in Male's blog, we need to learn to expect the unexpected in education. Anything might happen!!
    And the eraser, not only have I found it useful to learn from our mistakes, but also to erase students labels and start brand new!

  2. I agree with you!! all the elements in the kit are very helpful to be a better teacher and in the first place a better person... and of course let´s get hold of the tea bag!!
