In order to "honour" Book Day, I chose this title which was the first one Jane Austen had thought for Pride & Prejudice. I would like to talk about judging in advance, to start getting worried about something/someone.
I believe that Reports on the Group + Articulation with the ex-teacher of the group + all year long chats about concerning cases (this is the 3rd year Dai has my groups and we talk about them all the time in the train) is essential but all the same we shouldn´t be determined by these information we receive.
It has happened to me many times that I heard "This mother is terrible!", "This kid is so lazy!", "He has a bad relationship with mates.", "She is a trouble-maker, beware!" and so on. I am not saying that the perceptions/ideas are not valuable, but I think that they shouldn´t influence us a 100% or make us judge the learner/mother in advance. Every person can change, can became a better human being, can mature and it is important to consider that there are years that are more difficult than other because of family or health problems and it is reflected in the way they behave and learn.
I agree with you that our children can change from one year to the other and we should not judge students negatively in advance. We need to let them be and draw our own conclusions. Of course the articulation is really useful, you've helped me to be aware and careful in loads of situations, but it is also subjective and what might be naughty for one person could be funny for the other. We never know!
ResponderEliminarI can guarantee that your advice on certain cases has given me tools to solve situations before they become problematic! And more than once you've given me useful information to help children regarding attitudinal issues as academic difficulties. Thanks again!
Annie, what a topic! Never judge a book by its cover...
ResponderEliminarI think that, as with many other things in life (and our profession in particular), the answer is to try and strike a balance. I have profited A LOT from sharing opinion, remarks, ideas, techniques, etc, with other teachers. But I agree with you, we should beware of "pigeonholing" our students, labelling them in one way or another and being influenced by that. It's very dangerous...
Useful piece of reflection, this is an atittude beyond the classroom ! This should be an atittude in life...