sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

Evidence in education

During this Diagnosis Period we have been working on the concept of EVIDENCE. Of course that during the brainstorming they linked the concept of evidence with crimes and robberies and the definition they could construct together was "Evidence is information to solve a mistery or find a robber". After sharing different opinions and anecdotes we came to the conclusion that evidence is a useful tool for understanding and analyzing texts, for predicting and giving opinions.
Now comes my contribution: before starting with the classes I´ve been reflecting upon evaluation and assessment and I decided to be more consistent and tidy about this issue. I´ve talked about this with Dai and she gave me some ideas (as usual!). She reccomended me to keep a record of the daily oral performance in the assemblies and she explained that in 5th they use codes (0,1,2,3). The rubrics for assessing this are:

0: no participation
1: Participated in few occassions, didn´t use the correct function ("How do you say?") or said many words in Spanish
2: Made an effort to participate and transmit the message, good attitude, asked for help in the correct way ("What is the word in English for..?")
3: Spoke fluently, used appropriate vocabulary and functions, achieved the goals of the assembly

I feel kids are participating more and many are concerned about reaching 3. I took a copybook and there I put several charts to organize: marks of the exams, dictations, practical tasks, homework, response activities and the charts for
oral performance. I think that it will be useful for assessing children and in case I have meetings with parents there I have all the EVIDENCE together!!

3 comentarios:

  1. I always love your posts!! They look cute with those pictures!!
    It is really useful to have the chart with the daily oral performance during assemblies. With it you can call students separately and make them see that their oral performance is always flat or non existant. It is shocking for them to see the numbers once they know the code as you pass the ball to them: now it is your responsibility to do something about your performance! And if nothing changes, you have the evidence to show to parents! It happened to me this year during the first week. I noticed that a Studen, JC, didn't participate AT ALL. I tol the mother at the door in front of the child and his attitude changed the following week. Even though his oral performance is still low, he is making an effort and I am pretty sure that with practice he will get better!!

  2. You took a great step, Ani!
    As I'm quite obsessed with order and with keeping records of everything, I always take down notes on what students do everyday, but this year, working with older students I found that SHARING this records we keep with them and letting them KNOW what we write and why and what we expect from them proves to be a big success. They start becoming aware of their learning process and, as a result, they can make their OWN decisions in order to improve their performance. They become more reflective, don't they??

  3. Ceci I know you're obsessive, I would love to be so organized as you are... Thank you girls for all your ideas and your support, LET´S KEEP ON GROWING TOGETHER!!!!
